Our Products

Ortex Refactory Cement

International Ceramic, the biggest Ortex refractory suppliers and Thermotex refractory cement manufacturers in India

Ortex Refractory Cement and Thermotex refractory cement are special types of cement that are endowed with specific properties and are best for laying firebricks. They are best for insulation bricks and where the thin joint laying of the bricks is required. International Ceramic is the largest Thermotex refractory cement manufacturers in India. These bricks are best suited for high-temperature performance and have applications in metallurgy, cement and chemical industries. Also, these cement types have better strength than the regular cement and thus have great significance and usage in the structural domain as well.

Key Features of the Thermotex Refractory Cement from International Ceramic
Better Strength

The Thermotex refractory cement from the biggest Ortex refractory suppliers have better strength than the regular cement, which is available. This high strength is due to the special composition of these cements. Due to the higher strength one can lay the bricks with thin joints and still have comparatively higher strength.

Better Performance at High-Temperatures

These refractory types of cement from the renowned Thermotex refractory cement exporters perform very well in high-temperature zones. They can resist higher thermal stresses and can even bear thermal shocks without deformation. These bricks have silica and alumina, which makes them perform well even in critical conditions.

Chemically Inert

These refractory cement are chemically inert and do not react with the chemicals in the surroundings. They are resistant to corrosion and also don’t react with the slag, which makes it best to be used for many industrial applications. The chemical inertness also makes the handling of this cement easy and hassle-free.

Easy Storage

The Thermotex refractory cement from Ortex refractory manufacturer is very easy to store. These refractory cements are chemically inert, which makes them convenient to be stored without any fear. They don’t react with the surroundings and are also resistant to corrosion. Also, these bricks are good thermal insulators and thus they can be stored in high temperatures as well. Thus, we have seen the key properties of Thermotex refractory cement from International ceramic, the biggest Ortex refractory manufacturers, and Thermotex refractory cement exporters. If you are also interested in these products and want to know more, you can approach International ceramic by calling our executive. Our experts will provide you detailed information about the range of products we offer.